Monday, April 1, 2019

Negative Nellie & Little Miss Susie Sunshine

How do you balance love of a friend and the need to share something that most likely will be unpleasant with someone you care for? I know that I have languished in a dark place or two due to many reasons over the years - and it is necessary to visit that space - but what to do when you a think a friend keeps returning to the Hole of Despair and almost embraces it like a long lost friend?

Do I give her the space to be in that frame of mind and just "be there" for when she emerges on the other side? Or, is it part of my loving kindness to call it out in the open? This is something I think about often. I struggle with my need to 'fix it' but on the other side of it, I want to look a positive ways to tackle life challenges. Is it a one-size-fits-all approach? Unlikely. I suppose the best approach would be to bring it up and see where the conversation goes but that is being vulnerable (aka dang scary).

I thinking of times in the past when I shared fears and anxiety about how I was feeling in a friendship and then, it seemed like the person disappeared in few weeks. I've been reluctant to give it a go as a result, but then again, I want strive to be my true self when it comes to my close relationships.

The conundrum!
The quandary!

I'm going to sit on this for a bit and I'll get back to you about how it all turned out.


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