Thursday, November 10, 2022

Day 7, 8, 9 | Edinburgh, Scotland (11/2, 11/3, 11/4 2022)

Lila and I heading just one block away to enjoy a yummy Scottish breakfast before jumping into our day. Laura's Kitchen is a tiny place but big on good food. 


After our breakfast, Lila headed back to the apartment and I ventured out to explore one of the modern art museums in the city, Modern One. Since it was a weekday, it wasn't too busy and I got to see some amazing art.

I got home just as the rain started - perfect timing to just chill for the rest of the afternoon although there was a small leak in the roof at my AirBnb.  I just put a cup underneath it and reported it to the property owner. It was just one of the several minor issues I encountered with the property and the owner was responsive, thankfully, to all of them.

The next day, Lila headed back to school and I checked out the special Impressionist exhibit at the Scottish National Gallery.  I love that all museums offer free admission! Each gallery was painted a different color but there was something about the yellow room that caught my heart. It isn't a color I typically respond to but it was downright cheery.

Later, I decided to go check out the Royal Mile as the weather was perfect: sunny and a little cool:

The Royal Mile is a succession of streets forming the main thoroughfare of the Old Town of the city of Edinburgh in Scotland. The term was first used descriptively in W. M. Gilbert's Edinburgh in the Nineteenth Century (1901), describing the city "with its Castle and Palace and the royal mile between", and was further popularized as the title of a guidebook by R. T. Skinner published in 1920, "The Royal Mile (Edinburgh) Castle to Holyrood(house)".

The Royal Mile runs between two significant locations in the royal history of Scotland: Edinburgh Castle and Holyrood Palace. The name derives from it being the traditional processional route of monarchs,[3] with a total length of approximately one Scots mile, a now obsolete measurement measuring 1.81km.[4] The streets which make up the Royal Mile are (west to east) Castlehill, the Lawnmarket, the High Street, the Canongate and Abbey Strand. The Royal Mile is the busiest tourist street in the Old Town, rivaled only by Princes Street in the New Town.

Source: Wikipedia 

It is where St. Giles' (hard G) Cathedral is located.  The late Queen of England coffin was brought to the church for a day. I also took a peek at the castle but only from the outside.

Speaking of the Royal Family, the following day I walked to Hollyroodhouse, the King's residence in Edinburgh, which is located at the base of Arthur's Seat. 

Taking full advantage of the sunny weather, I returned to Dean Village and the Water of Leith walkway. So gorgeous.  Later that night, I had my meet up with a few ladies I met in the Facebook group, Solo In Style: Women Over 50 Traveling Solo & Loving It! We enjoyed a quick meal at a place across the street from my apartment, The Voyage of Buck and then a final drink at Teuchter's Pub

Another fantastic day in Scotland!

To see all my photos click on the day:  Day 7, Day 8, and Day 9 - enjoy!

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