Thursday, June 16, 2022

Roma - Day Five

Rose and I decided to try another strategy to help offset the heat exhaustion by visiting a spot in the morning and then popping back home for respite before heading back out.  I'm not sure if it made a difference because I didn't take by bottle of water with me (as it turned out, you are not allowed to take things like that in the museum), so I was really struggling with mild dehydration.  That was remedied with a stop at a cafe for some mineral water and my Negroni, but I am getting ahead of myself! 😃

Our morning excursion took us in another direction from our typical walks. In this case, we headed south to check out a cheese shop, La Formaggeria, which turned out to be in the Mercato and not across the street where Google Maps insisted it was located.  But as often is the case, we popped into yet another majestic church on our way.

We asked someone in a bar who pointed us in the correct direction.  Rose, to her credit, suspected it might be in there but as the navigator of our excursions, I was insistent that Google never lies.  Um, that is clearly not the case. 😡The market was a good find and would likely be a great place to pick up fresh seafood (in the morning!), produce, meat/cheese, and baked goods. 

We risked not being able to enter the Capitoline Museum by purchasing our tickets the day of our visit.  It turned out to not be an issue at all.  A few pieces of art also included braille panels. 

The birth of the Capitoline Museums is traced back to 1471 , when Pope Sixtus IV gave the Roman people a group of bronze statues of great symbolic value.

Our hope was to enjoy a refreshing beverage on the rooftop of the museum but it wasn't open.  A bit of a disappointment but we started our walk back home that included a stop at a restaurant to enjoy some pizza and libations!

The colors in the city continue to stop me in my tracks.  I am astounded by the different kinds of marble. As always, to check out the images of the day, here is the link!

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