Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Follow the Joy

Somewhere buried under the rubble of invisibility and expectation, lies your true self. The person who is kind and generous; the curious person who loves to explore; the powerful person of conviction and integrity. Your transformation is tied into circumstances or circumstances come into being because you are growing and changing. There lies a mighty question mark: Are you feeling empowered to follow your inner compass of exploration and pushing out the sides of the box society seems to shove you into when given a chance? I made a decision about how to reclaim my power with regards to my professional identity. It feels like a thirst has been quenched! I know so much but remain aware of very little. So much to discover. So much to learn. I know I'm strong and capable - just as you are. Just looking at my life over the past year reminds me of fantastic life experiences and I know it's far from over.

As you contemplate your next steps, I encourage you to look back at your life successes and your lessons learned before you take your next step forward. Now I'm not suggesting to be so  lost in your history because that will keep you stuck in the muck, but understanding your blessings and your lessons will help you make wiser choices as you move forward.

I don’t know about you, but sometimes I feel overwhelmed with not knowing which path to take and as I grow older, society has dismissed me to a certain degree as either ineffective or uninteresting.  I am determined to set that record straight and I hope you will join me in acknowledging our worth and contributions.

In this process of my reflection on ‘what’s next?’, part of me feels like a failure for starting over yet again.  But then I feel invigorated with an opportunity to explore a new adventure.  On one hand, I feel energized by new options but then some weak voice will murmur something to put me in my place.

I admit it can be kind of exhausting to keep your head above the waterline of doubt and not knowing where to turn when the newsfeed is horrific on a daily basis.  But what I do know is that joy is an antidote for disconnection and fear.

If you are swimming in self-doubt, anxiety, or uncertainty spend a little time with yourself and just ‘be’. Then do something that causes your heart to go pitter-patter.  This past weekend, I was feeling the fear and took a spontaneous solo day trip to a nearby park and it replenished my spirits.  I could have made a choice to stay home and do a host of chores but instead, I chose to do something exciting and joyful. It shifted my whole perspective for the day.  Try it.  You might like it.


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